
Multiple-level structure list.
Importimport{ Tree }from"antd";

When To Use

Almost anything can be represented in a tree structure. Examples include directories, organization hierarchies, biological classifications, countries, etc. The Tree component is a way of representing the hierarchical relationship between these things. You can also expand, collapse, and select a treeNode within a Tree.


parent 1
parent 1-0
parent 1-1

The most basic usage, tell you how to use checkable, selectable, disabled, defaultExpandKeys, and etc.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code

Drag treeNode to insert after the other treeNode or insert into the other parent TreeNode.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code
parent 1

You can customize icons for different nodes.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code
parent 1
parent 1-0

customize collapse/expand icon of tree node

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code
CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code

Controlled mode lets parent nodes reflect the status of child nodes more intelligently.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code
Tree Node

To load data asynchronously when click to expand a treeNode.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code


parent 1
parent 1-0

Tree with connected line between nodes, turn on by showLine, customize the preset icon by switcherIcon.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code
parent 0
leaf 0-0
leaf 0-1
parent 1
leaf 1-0
leaf 1-1

Built-in directory tree. multiple support ctrl(Windows) / command(Mac) selection.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code

Use virtual list through height prop.

CodeSandbox Icon
codepen icon
External Link Icon
expand codeexpand code


Common props ref:Common props

Tree props

allowDropWhether to allow dropping on the node({ dropNode, dropPosition }) => boolean-
autoExpandParentWhether to automatically expand a parent treeNodebooleanfalse
blockNodeWhether treeNode fill remaining horizontal spacebooleanfalse
checkableAdd a Checkbox before the treeNodesbooleanfalse
checkedKeys(Controlled) Specifies the keys of the checked treeNodes (PS: When this specifies the key of a treeNode which is also a parent treeNode, all the children treeNodes of will be checked; and vice versa, when it specifies the key of a treeNode which is a child treeNode, its parent treeNode will also be checked. When checkable and checkStrictly is true, its object has checked and halfChecked property. Regardless of whether the child or parent treeNode is checked, they won't impact each otherstring[] | {checked: string[], halfChecked: string[]}[]
checkStrictlyCheck treeNode precisely; parent treeNode and children treeNodes are not associatedbooleanfalse
defaultCheckedKeysSpecifies the keys of the default checked treeNodesstring[][]
defaultExpandAllWhether to expand all treeNodes by defaultbooleanfalse
defaultExpandedKeysSpecify the keys of the default expanded treeNodesstring[][]
defaultExpandParentIf auto expand parent treeNodes when initbooleantrue
defaultSelectedKeysSpecifies the keys of the default selected treeNodesstring[][]
disabledWhether disabled the treebooleanfalse
draggableSpecifies whether this Tree or the node is draggable. Use icon: false to disable drag handler iconboolean | ((node: DataNode) => boolean) | { icon?: React.ReactNode | false, nodeDraggable?: (node: DataNode) => boolean }falseconfig: 4.17.0
expandedKeys(Controlled) Specifies the keys of the expanded treeNodesstring[][]
fieldNamesCustomize node title, key, children field nameobject{ title: title, key: key, children: children }4.17.0
filterTreeNodeDefines a function to filter (highlight) treeNodes. When the function returns true, the corresponding treeNode will be highlightedfunction(node)-
heightConfig virtual scroll height. Will not support horizontal scroll when enable thisnumber-
iconInsert a custom icon before the title. Need to set showIcon to trueReactNode | (props) => ReactNode-
loadDataLoad data asynchronouslyfunction(node)-
loadedKeys(Controlled) Set loaded tree nodes. Need work with loadDatastring[][]
multipleAllows selecting multiple treeNodesbooleanfalse
rootStyleStyle on the root elementCSSProperties-4.20.0
selectableWhether can be selectedbooleantrue
selectedKeys(Controlled) Specifies the keys of the selected treeNodes, multiple selection needs to set multiple to truestring[]-
showIconControls whether to display the icon node, no default stylebooleanfalse
showLineShows a connecting lineboolean | {showLeafIcon: ReactNode | ((props: AntTreeNodeProps) => ReactNode)}false
switcherIconCustomize expand/collapse icons for tree nodes (With default rotate angular style)ReactNode | ((props: AntTreeNodeProps) => ReactNode)-renderProps: 4.20.0
switcherLoadingIconCustomize loading icons for tree nodesReactNode-5.20.0
titleRenderCustomize tree node title render(nodeData) => ReactNode-4.5.0
treeDataThe treeNodes data Array, if set it then you need not to construct children TreeNode. (key should be unique across the whole array)array<{ key, title, children, [disabled, selectable] }>-
virtualDisable virtual scroll when set to falsebooleantrue4.1.0
onCheckCallback function for when the onCheck event occursfunction(checkedKeys, e:{checked: boolean, checkedNodes, node, event, halfCheckedKeys})-
onDragEndCallback function for when the onDragEnd event occursfunction({event, node})-
onDragEnterCallback function for when the onDragEnter event occursfunction({event, node, expandedKeys})-
onDragLeaveCallback function for when the onDragLeave event occursfunction({event, node})-
onDragOverCallback function for when the onDragOver event occursfunction({event, node})-
onDragStartCallback function for when the onDragStart event occursfunction({event, node})-
onDropCallback function for when the onDrop event occursfunction({event, node, dragNode, dragNodesKeys})-
onExpandCallback function for when a treeNode is expanded or collapsedfunction(expandedKeys, {expanded: boolean, node})-
onLoadCallback function for when a treeNode is loadedfunction(loadedKeys, {event, node})-
onRightClickCallback function for when the user right clicks a treeNodefunction({event, node})-
onSelectCallback function for when the user clicks a treeNodefunction(selectedKeys, e:{selected: boolean, selectedNodes, node, event})-

TreeNode props

checkableWhen Tree is checkable, set TreeNode display Checkbox or notboolean-
disableCheckboxDisables the checkbox of the treeNodebooleanfalse
disabledDisables the treeNodebooleanfalse
iconCustomize icon. When you pass component, whose render will receive full TreeNode props as component propsReactNode | (props) => ReactNode-
isLeafDetermines if this is a leaf node(effective when loadData is specified). false will force trade TreeNode as a parent nodeboolean-
keyUsed with (default)ExpandedKeys / (default)CheckedKeys / (default)SelectedKeys. P.S.: It must be unique in all of treeNodes of the treestring(internal calculated position of treeNode)
selectableSet whether the treeNode can be selectedbooleantrue

DirectoryTree props

expandActionDirectory open logic, optional: false | click | doubleClickstring | booleanclick


Before 3.4.0: The number of treeNodes can be very large, but when checkable=true, it will increase the compute time. So, we cache some calculations (e.g. this.treeNodesStates) to avoid double computing. But, this brings some restrictions. When you load treeNodes asynchronously, you should render tree like this:

this.state.treeData.length ? (
{ => (
<TreeNode />
) : (
'loading tree'

Tree Methods

scrollTo({ key: string | number; align?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'auto'; offset?: number })Scroll to key item in virtual scroll

Design Token

Component TokenHow to use?

Token NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
directoryNodeSelectedBgBackground color of selected directory nodestring#1677ff
directoryNodeSelectedColorText color of selected directory nodestring#fff
indentSizeIndent width of treenumber24
nodeHoverBgBackground color of hovered nodestringrgba(0,0,0,0.04)
nodeHoverColorText color of hovered nodestringrgba(0,0,0,0.88)
nodeSelectedBgBackground color of selected nodestring#e6f4ff
nodeSelectedColorText color of selected nodestringrgba(0,0,0,0.88)
titleHeightNode title heightnumber24

Global TokenHow to use?


Why defaultExpandAll not working on ajax data?

default prefix prop only works when initializing. So defaultExpandAll has already executed when ajax load data. You can control expandedKeys or render Tree when data loaded to realize expanded all.

Virtual scroll limitation

Virtual scroll only render items in visible region. Thus not support auto width (like long title with horizontal scroll).

What does disabled node work logic in the tree?

Tree change its data by conduction. Includes checked or auto expanded, it will conduction state to parent / children node until current node is disabled. So if a controlled node is disabled, it will only modify self state and not affect other nodes. For example, a parent node contains 3 child nodes and one of them is disabled. When check the parent node, it will only check rest 2 child nodes. As the same, when check these 2 child node, parent will be checked whatever checked state the disabled one is.

This conduction logic prevent that modify disabled parent checked state by check children node and user can not modify directly with click parent which makes the interactive conflict. If you want to modify this conduction logic, you can customize it with checkStrictly prop.